
As a network-of-networks, the Citizen Science Global Partnership seeks to identify different types of established and emerging networks of organizations that are committed to supporting and advancing citizen science. A primary goal of the Global Partnership is to help ensure that these networks can find, connect, and remain connected to one another.

Current List of Participant Organizations

ADEC Innovations
Adventure Scientists
AR+ Action Research Plus Foundation
Barcelona Citizen Science Office
Citizen Science Center Zurich
Citizen Science Interoperability Pilot (CitSciPilot)
Citizen Science Network Austria (CSNA)
Citizen Science Scotlan
Curious Minds
Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers
EarthWatch Institute

Forest People Programme (FPP)
Global CEO Alliance
Global Mosquito Alert Consortium
Group on Earth Observations- Earth Observation and Citizen Science Community Activity
Italian Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER- Itlay)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Process Improvement Project
Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Parks Canada
Participatory Monitoring and Management Partnership

Participatory Research Australia
Red Iberoamericana de Cienci A Participativa (RICAP)
Smart and Sustainable Action Association
SPOTTERON Citizen Science
The Federal Community of Practice for Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science
The GLOBE Program
UN Environment
US Environmental Protection Agency Citizen Science Community of Practice (EPA CoP)
Wilson Center